The largest globalist power grab IN HISTORY is currently underway, thanks to the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the European Union. It’s all going down as political chaos rocks Europe: Right-wing factions are beating their globalist counterparts in elections in France, Germany, and Belgium. The elites have pushed too far on food and energy regulation, unfettered immigration, and spending, and the people are rising up. But we can’t let these "wins" distract us, because there still remains a long battle for freedom ahead. Glenn reveals documents that show how the new world order currently is taking steps to extend its control beyond the European Union ... all before the 2024 presidential election. This September, during the United Nations' annual meeting, member states are expected to sign a "Pact for the Future.” It started during the COVID-19 pandemic and has been in development ever since. The pact is expected to include a U.N. Emergency Platform that would essentially give the U.N. secretary general incredible authority to control a future "crisis," which he himself can effectively declare. But don’t Americans have constitutional laws in place to protect our sovereignty? Justin Haskins, coauthor of “The Great Reset” and “Dark Future,” warns that the Biden administration has already said it supports these globalist plans. And to make matters worse, the EU just formally passed a mandatory, global ESG system that will drastically affect U.S. businesses. He says this is now one of the biggest threats to freedom in America unless Congress and the president act NOW.
Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio