Inflation continues to rise, housing prices are insane, and our government continues to spend, spend, spend! Meanwhile, the American people are hurting. And what is the Biden administration and mainstream media saying? Everything’s fine! And everything that isn’t fine is somehow Trump’s fault…even after 4 years. Glenn wants you to ask yourself one question before the 2024 election: Can you AFFORD another 4 years of this?
TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Record prices now, gold, coffee, copper, cocoa. You look at the news, in our show prep today.
They talk about, well, you know, the fed says they've got this under control. Maybe it looks like they don't. No. You know who the fed looks like doesn't have under control, is the spending under the United States government.
The United States government is printing $1 trillion every 100 days. $1 trillion every 100 days. Just put that in your pipe and smoke it, for a minute. What do you think will happen for inflation. When they're dumping 100 trillion -- I'm sorry. $1 trillion into the economy every 100 days. Of course, we will have inflation!
It's only going to get worse! But, you know, it's so amazing, that we -- we keep looking for answers, from the people who caused the problem.
You know, people still look at the New York Times and go, oh, you know, the New York Times. Well, what are they saying?
What do you mean, what do they say? How does the New York Times have any credibility at this point?
They were, you know, leading the way. They still can't admit the Hunter Biden thing.
They still can't admit it.
How? How? How?
You know, you're -- you're -- you were peddling the nonsense that that was Russian disinformation. And up the even offended by it, when you found out, that that wasn't true.
You weren't even offended. You didn't ask the people who told you, you know, in the Intel industry.
You didn't say, hey, dude, you really led me astray on this one.
How did these people have any credibility?
PAT: The New York Times best-seller list? How about that? How about the -- the Economist just did a story on how conservatives are short-changed by the New York Times best-seller list.
Of course, this is something you've been going through for decades now. We've known about this for a long time.
And it's a much worse problem than the Economist even knows. They say that their analysis found that books published by conservative printing houses are 7 percent less likely to make it on to the New York Times weekly best-seller list. It's a lot worse than that.
GLENN: It's a lot worse than that.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: I mean, I said this example earlier. That my last book, which was not The Great Reset. It was Dark Future.
When Dark Future came out, we sold twice the number of books. I think it was Dark Future. It might have been Great Reset. I can't remember.
Twice the number of books, as the author that was given the number one status. And it used to be that they would hold you out of the number one slot.
You know, they might make you two or three, if it was even close. But if it was that different, in the old days. You would still get the number one spot.
Now, I went from double the sales, of the people they put in, at number one. And I made 15th on the list.
PAT: I mean, how did they justify that? That's crazy.
GLENN: Their own algorithms. Their own algorithms.
PAT: Yeah. Don't they wait to certain bookstores more than others?
GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.
PAT: Yeah. Yeah.
GLENN: Independent bookstores, but that's not enough to do what happened there.
That's just not enough.
You know, they have their own agenda. And that's fine. I just wish they would be open about it, you know what I mean?
Stop lying to people and saying, that that is -- BookScan is the real number one, number two, number three.
You know what I mean? It just scans the books that are sold. Still however, you know, sold, you know, through the traditional things. For instance, I don't care about this anymore.
And we are doing everything we can, with Mercury Inc. To print and distribute ourselves.
And we still can't get away from a big publishing house, distributing, because it's just -- it's almost a monopoly. At this point.
You just don't have the ability to distribute into bookstores.
And then Amazon, takes 50 percent. I mean, did you do 50 percent of the work, Amazon? Really?
PAT: Wow.
GLENN: I just don't find that reasonable, at all. But they're Amazon. So we're selling, my latest book, Chasing Embers through Which will not go through BookScan. Will not do any of this stuff.
PAT: So it won't be logged by the New York Times.
GLENN: No. It won't be logged by the New York Times or anybody. Because we're not a part of BookScan, so -- and I don't care.
I really don't care. I want to -- I'm tired of putting my money and my effort, and then putting it into institutions, that are trying to kill us.
PAT: Uh-huh.
GLENN: Do you remember, Pat, when we used to go on tour? Bookstores. And how many hostile bookstores we would walk into, that just found me despicable?
PAT: Yeah. Most of them.
GLENN: But they did it, because they knew they would sell a lot of books. Just tired of it.
Don't have to do it. Don't have to do it.
PAT: It's interesting. Because in this economist article. They say that leading conservative authors like you and Bill O'Reilly.
Are frequently listed on the New York Times best-seller non-fiction list.
But less prominent writers have a more difficult time making the cut.
And like you just explained though. While you're on the list.
You're not where you should be on the list.
It's not accurate. Because they fudge even those numbers.
GLENN: Yeah. So you know. Because you probably think this is a lot of wining about trophies. It's not.
The New York Times. If you get on the top ten New York Times, then your book is automatically put in every airport. It's automatically put in the front of the stores.
Otherwise, it just kind of languishes on a back shelf someplace. So -- and that's what they want. That's why they don't put. You know, that's why, The Great Reset and Dark Future, could not be a top ten best-seller. It had to be 15.
It could not be a top ten. Why?
Because then it would get the exposure that they must want it to have.
So it's not -- by the New York Times doing this, it's not about money. And it's not bragging rights. It is -- it is about exposure and having your book placed in places like airports, where people go in to buy a book. And they're going to go take a flight or take a vacation.
And they will see your book. They will carry ten. The top best-sellers. And if you're not in that, you're not seen. So you don't get discovered.
That's the problem. And nobody is really -- nobody has really articulated that. They make it seem like it's, I don't know, it's petty.
I want to be a top -- top ten, New York Times best-seller list. Because that says something about me. That says nothing about anybody.
Let's see, California's minimum wage, the 20-dollar minimum wage, for fast food workers.
Yeah. Kind of putting people out of business. First of all, McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, hyped prices to offset the higher cost.
Who would have seen that come? I mean, how many times does it take before people understand basic economics?
The price of the goods or service, goes up, when it costs the company, that is providing those goods and services, when it costs more to get that to you. They raise the price.
That's the way business works. Communism, doesn't work that way. Communism, it just -- they just do what they want to do. And price doesn't matter.
And that's why you have crappy stuff. You have crappy distribution.
And supermarkets, that, you know -- I would feel safer, I would feel safer in the streets, in eating the food off the streets in China. Than I would in -- in Venezuela.
In the grocery store.
PAT: It's a really hard decision too, for a lot of small businesses. I have a small business, and when the price of the ingredients goes up, for a while, you just eat that cost. You know, and then eventually, you can't any longer. You can't.
GLENN: I know.
PAT: When butter goes from $70 for the -- in the volume that we buy it in, from $70 to 143, then eventually, that price is going to go up. You know, it's crazy.
GLENN: Jeez. Well, it's the same thing. We talked about this at the Blaze all the time. You know me, Pat. I hate -- because I grew up in radio, which was free. I hate charging for stuff.
I would so gladly go on tour. And not make a dime.
You know, if -- if I didn't have to pay the money. I wouldn't charge people to come in.
And I'm always arguing, can we get the price lower? Can we get the price lower?
Because I remember, and so do you. What it's like, when you are on the edge.
PAT: Yeah. Yeah.
GLENN: And I don't want to -- I hope to God, I'm not there, again.
But there's a chance that all of us are there again. And it -- it kills me. It just kills me. And I think that the owners of stores and makers of products, that actually see the end user. Like, I don't think -- Nike doesn't care.
You know what I mean? They don't care. There are companies that actually care, about the end user. And think about them.
We're one of those people. And every time we're -- I mean, we -- we pay above industry standard, in -- at the Blaze. Okay?
We're either competitive, or just above industry standard. Well, you can't live on industry standard now!
But what do you do?
You keep raising it, so everybody. And then not raising the price. And then if you raise the price. Then the customers can't afford it. And it goes away. And the whole thing.
This is what every business is going through right now.
And, you know, I really -- I will be -- I will absolutely be convinced that this is a fraudulent election.
If for the first time, in history, the -- the economy extent play the major role.
Look at -- can America survive another four years? Can you survive another four years, going down this road?
Can you afford it? Just, let's ask that. Can Americans afford another four years.
Because everything is going up. You're not able to buy a house. You're not able to get a loan on anything that is reasonable. And it's only going to get much, much worse.
And I don't know if you saw the jobs report yesterday.
So in the jobs report, the -- the fed chief, Powell came out and said, yeah. These. These jobs reports.
The books are being cooked a bit.
Wait. What?
All of the jobs that have been created, are part-time jobs.
And I shouldn't say all. The vast majority, are part-time jobs. And almost no American citizens are getting the jobs, that are actually being reported as being created.
It's almost all illegal aliens now.
PAT: Hmm.
GLENN: I mean, you know, you them, well, it was a pretty good jobs report. Yeah, for illegal aliens.
Can you afford another four years of this?