The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Why Does Michigan Have MORE Registered Voters Than Citizens?!

BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales has uncovered some massive issues with Michigan’s voting system ahead of the 2024 election. For starters, Michigan’s George Soros-funded Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, tried to allow the state to count ballots received after election day. She has also championed a measure that would allow same-day registration without a photo ID. What could possibly go wrong when there’s ZERO verification, Sara and Glenn say! To make matters worse, the state has also expanded mail-in voting. And the icing on the cake? 105% of the state’s population is registered to vote! Gee, how could that have happened?

But that’s just the beginning of what Sara and the Blaze Originals team discovered. It’s all exposed in the new documentary, “Voter Fraud Exposed: How Elections Can Be Stolen,” available NOW at

TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Blaze TV host of Sara Gonzales unfiltered. It was really hard. We started with the name. And then we were like. We have to have to find Sara Gonzales to be able to do this show. We might have thought about doing it a different way. We found her. And she is perfect.

She is the perfect Sara Gonzales host unfiltered.

Sarah, welcome to the program. How are you?

SARA: Thank you. I'm good. I consider that job security. You won't find another Sara Gonzales.

GLENN: Yeah. We looked. We looked. So, anyway, you're doing another Blaze original. We've all been doing this. This is episode five. The documentary has been called voter fraud exposed, how elections can be stolen. I have to tell you, I saw a rough cut of it. I don't even know, a couple weeks ago.

Oh, my gosh, Sara. Oh, my gosh. Just Michigan alone, is -- I mean, you sat down with the woman who was the secretary of state, right?

SARA: Yes. Yeah.

GLENN: I believe she was replaced by secretary of state. A part of the George Soros thing.

SARA: Correct. Correct. Yes. Jocelyn Benson, yes.

GLENN: Uh-huh. And give people a clue, on just Michigan.

SARA: So, yes. In 2018, Jocelyn Benson replaced Ruth Johnson. Ruth Johnson was a Republican, who more importantly was interested in doing the right thing when it came to protecting the voter rolls. And keeping them secure and fresh. You know, dated. Or, I should say, not outdated. And so what Jocelyn Benson did, she is as you pointed out, Soros-funded.

She is former SPLC, just to give you an idea of who she is and what she's about. Yeah, and so she is one of these --

GLENN: Wow, in case you don't know that. That's Southern Poverty Law Center, which is the worst of the worst.

PAT: Oh.

GLENN: Okay. Go ahead.

SARA: So she is part of the Secretary of State project that George Soros is funding. So she comes into the state of Michigan.

And she tries to allow Michigan to count ballots that were received after Election Day. She was luckily sued. And lost that battle.

But since then. We've had ballot referendums, that you can have.

Same day registration. Same day registration. And you can register without showing a photo ID in the state of Michigan. And your vote counts.

GLENN: Unbelievable.

WILFRED: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

PAT: Wow.

GLENN: I mean, you need a photo ID for anything.

SARA: Everything. Everything.

GLENN: Except for the most important thing that a citizen can do.

SARA: Right. Right. And, well, we point out in the documentary. It's like, if I were not just in the state of Michigan. But I would imagine, most other states and cities. If you go to your local library.

You can't get a library card without showing your ID. It is insane. That you shouldn't have to show your ID. In order to participate in the voting process.

And, by the way, this is something else we point out. It's like almost 80 percent of Americans, both left and right agree that you should have to show a photo ID in order to vote. This is not a partisan thing.

GLENN: I go down the street, from our ranch. There's a big lake across the street.

And I have to go about, I don't know. 5 miles to this little -- great little kind of general store.

I had to get a -- I had to get a fishing license.

I needed ID.

Everybody in there, knows who I am. I needed ID, to be able to get a fishing license!

PAT: Did you guys see Texas Representative Wesley Hunt talk about this yesterday?



PAT: It's brilliant. He shows all of his government-issued -- he's black. He shows all of his government-issued IDs, including a driver's license and, you know, a passport. And he's got like six different forms of ID. Showing how insulting it is. That the left is saying that blacks don't have ID. It's ridiculous.

SARA: Well, this will give you kind of a clue as to how sinister this initiative is, is that Republicans in the state of Michigan, actually they had a bill that they passed. That was going to expand and allow free photo ID for people. So there would be no excuse to say, well, it's too expensive. And, you know, the idea is that minorities can't afford it. Which is inherently racist.

PAT: And we've been told, they don't know where the DMV is.

SARA: Which again seems a little racist to assume. So Governor Gretchen Whitmer actually vetoed that bill, but just to give you an idea of where -- what possible reason, as our friend Steve Deace likes to say. What is the innocent, benign explanation for vetoing such legislation? There isn't one.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: So they -- they can't even now, because of this new legislation, they can't even ask for ID.

SARA: Uh-huh. Correct.

GLENN: So you go in, right? To the voting booth.

You want to go into the voting booth.

You go in, and you say, my name is Glenn Beck.

And, you know, they'll probably. Maybe. I don't know. Do they ask for an address?

And they look you up if you're on the roles. Or in the case of Michigan. You can now just register. You can go in, and say, I'm not registered.

I want to register right now.

But none of it is hooked up to the internet. So they can't verify anything.

SARA: Right.

GLENN: So you can go ahead and register. And get a ballot and vote.

PAT: What could go wrong?

GLENN: What could possibly go wrong?

SARA: And it's always from the left, who claims that they care so much about democracy. Which is just so laughable at this point.

Not that we have a democracy, but if you did care about democracy. And you did care, you know, about the state of your country. You would want election integrity and security. That would be at the top of your list. And instead, you know, they're trying to -- in the state of Michigan, again, I will go back to the state of Michigan again.

In the state of Michigan, they now have a constitutional right to vote by mail. I mean, you are talking about such an outdated system. I think France banned it in like 1975. France uses paper.

All of these other First World countries. Civilized countries have decided that mail-in voting is terrible, a horrible way of doing things.

We have -- Jimmy Carter coauthored a bipartisan report that said, we can't have mail-in voting because it makes it more likely to -- you know, to have fraud and all sorts. This was something that we all agreed upon, decades ago. And now all of a sudden, there are states that are run by these left-wing secretary of state, you know, secretaries of state. And they are going in and changing the system to allow these types of things.

GLENN: Let me ask you. Let me ask the average -- the average person. You're driving in your car. And you hear about Glenn's bank.

Say that you knew a Glenn that had any kind of credibility at all. Glenn's bank.

Yeah. And we invite you in, to put your money in our bank.

And we will make it easy for you to write checks.

We will make it easy for you to come in. Withdraw your money.

We're never going to ask you for ID.

Would you put your money in that bank?

SARA: Absolutely not. Absolutely not.

GLENN: Right! So why would we do this with elections?

On anything.

On anything. It's crazy.

So give me some white pill news. Can you?

SARA: Yeah. I think so. Everyone will see. When they go and watch these new Blaze originals. That they can go watch right now. They will see some hope in the sense that there are organizations, that are working around the clock to prevent these types of things from happening.

They are largely successful. And the courts, one of them is, of course, PILF. The Public Interest Legal Foundation. I spoke with them. They are suing the crap out of these states and out of these secretaries of states, who are engaging in this business.

They are suing about the -- you know, all of the dead people on the voter rolls in the state of Michigan.

The RNC is now suing the state of Michigan, for the -- you know, why it's that there's 105 percent of Michigan population, that's currently registered to vote.

And, you know, I'm not great at math.

But I'm good enough to know, that there's something a little bit wrong with that.

GLENN: Right. Go ahead.

GLENN: It's hard to have 105 percent of anything. I'm going to have 105 percent of that pie over there. Wow. That's a skill.

SARA: Right. Right stop, you know, in talking to these experts. They say, vote. Don't be discouraged and not vote. Because we can still blow them out. We can still overwhelm the system.

And we should. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Knowledge is power. I mean, we are exposing these people for what they're doing. And the more exposure that we can give them. The less likely it is, that they are able to just commit this in broad daylight.

And like I said, we have these -- these legal foundations, who are suing these states. And in most cases, in a lot of cases. They are largely successful in that.

So if secretary of state Benson isn't going to remove dead people from their voter rolls, until the courts force her to.

Well, you know what, at the end of the day, she will still will be forced to remove these people. So we are making moves. We have organizations that are tackling this.

We have to expose this, for what it really is.

GLENN: I will tell you, I think that there is a -- a good chance that a random slide does happen.

I mean, I -- I just can't imagine going into the booth, and you being a Democrat.

And pulling the lever for more of this. And saying, yeah. I want. And I think Joe Biden. Is the guy to trust with possible World War III.

I think he's got the economy right.

I think, you know, all of the things that he's done. You might pull it for RFK Y. Or Trump.

But, I mean, cannot see people voting for him.

And -- and honestly, when people ask themselves. Am I -- am I -- was I better off four years ago?

Like a lot better off?

The answer is yes!

And we have always asked, I wish somebody would just run this place like a business.

Well, that's what Donald Trump was doing. And look at the results until COVID happened.

So go out and vote.

I think if everybody. They're going to try to plaque pill you.

But if -- if you don't listen to that. And you go out and vote. I think the numbers will be overing. But what do I know.

SARA: Well, I would tell you this, Glenn. There are certain states that have already passed election integrity and voter security laws. And so states like Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, Florida. I mean, the more states that are passing these voter integrity laws, which I know the left will tell you is racist.

And they'll tell you, they are not allowing you to drink water in line, and all of these other lies.

The fact of the matter is, are these states making elections more secure. And we can have other states follow suit in that.

GLENN: All right. Blaze original. Episode number five.

Voter fraud exposed. How elections can be stolen. It's a new doc. And it's out now. If you're Blaze TV subscriber. If you're not, go to And what is the promo code? Is it voter fraud?

SARA: Voter fraud, yes.

GLENN: Voter fraud. And you can watch it now. On Blaze TV. Sara, thank you so much.

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